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About 1000 Island & Seaway Cruises

Blockhouse Island
Brockville, ON K6V5Y6
Map Location


Fun for the whole family!
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1000 Islands sightseeing cruises aboard the "General Brock".
Also featuring the St-Lawrence seaway.
Up to 8 departures daily from downtown Brockville.
Up to 8 departures daily from downtown Brockville
Also featuring the St-Lawrence seaway
Inquire about discounts on other cruises
1000 Islands sightseeing cruises aboard the "General Brock"

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$25 Max Value
Price: $2.00
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About 1000 Island & Seaway Cruises

Blockhouse Island
Brockville, ON K6V5Y6
Map Location


Fun for the whole family!
Inquire about discounts on other cruises.
1000 Islands sightseeing cruises aboard the "General Brock".
Also featuring the St-Lawrence seaway.
Up to 8 departures daily from downtown Brockville.
Up to 8 departures daily from downtown Brockville
Also featuring the St-Lawrence seaway
Inquire about discounts on other cruises
1000 Islands sightseeing cruises aboard the "General Brock"

Dining Advantage® is brought to you by Entertainment®, America’s most trusted coupon network for over 55 years.