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About Cafe Bengodi

1636 S. McClellan St.
Seattle, WA 98144
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If you desire a light, spontaneous meal, pop in at Café Bengodi, where you’ll find a score of pastas to choose from, plus a wide selection of sandwiches, risottos and pizzas. Like all of Luigi’s eateries, Café Bengodi serves only traditional Italian fare, and you won’t leave hungry.
Accompany your meal with a fine espresso, wine or beer. Al Fresco dining makes this a delightful place for good friends and great food

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Price: $5.00
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About Cafe Bengodi

1636 S. McClellan St.
Seattle, WA 98144
Map Location


If you desire a light, spontaneous meal, pop in at Café Bengodi, where you’ll find a score of pastas to choose from, plus a wide selection of sandwiches, risottos and pizzas. Like all of Luigi’s eateries, Café Bengodi serves only traditional Italian fare, and you won’t leave hungry.
Accompany your meal with a fine espresso, wine or beer. Al Fresco dining makes this a delightful place for good friends and great food

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Dine in only

Dining Advantage® is brought to you by Entertainment®, America’s most trusted coupon network for over 55 years.