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About Eight 1/2 Restaurant & Lounge

151 8th Ave E
Vancouver, BC V5T1R8
Map Location


Open Mon-Fri Noon-Midnight...Sat & Sun 11 am - Midnight
We pride ourselves on having a kitchen that has no need for a deep fryer or microwave, keeping our dishes & drinks healthy and fresh every time
Based on the principle that what goes into our bodies should be simple, fresh & local
Sat., Sun & holidays 11 am - 3 pm for Brunch

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About Eight 1/2 Restaurant & Lounge

151 8th Ave E
Vancouver, BC V5T1R8
Map Location


Open Mon-Fri Noon-Midnight...Sat & Sun 11 am - Midnight
We pride ourselves on having a kitchen that has no need for a deep fryer or microwave, keeping our dishes & drinks healthy and fresh every time
Based on the principle that what goes into our bodies should be simple, fresh & local
Sat., Sun & holidays 11 am - 3 pm for Brunch

Dining Advantage® is brought to you by Entertainment®, America’s most trusted coupon network for over 55 years.