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About Los Avina Mexican Restaurant

235 Atlanta St
Mcdonough, GA 30253
Map Location


A young married couple had a dream of owning their own Mexican restaurant.
It took a great Chef, Miguel Aviña, and his dedicated wife, Angel Aviña, lots of hard work to make this dream a reality.
Their 3 children grew up in the business & became a vital part of Los Aviña.
Since July 1992, the restaurant has been a labor of love & celebrated by loyal customers.
The best & freIt took a great Chef, Miguel Aviña, and his dedicated wife, Angel Aviña, lots of hard work to make this dream a reality.shest Mexican food in McDonough since 1921
Hours Tues-Thurs 11am-2:3A young married couple had a dream of owning their own Mexican restaurant.0pm & 5pm-9:30; Fri 11am-2:30 & 5pm-11pm; Sat 12pm-11pm; Sun 12pm-9pm; Closed Mondays

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About Los Avina Mexican Restaurant

235 Atlanta St
Mcdonough, GA 30253
Map Location


A young married couple had a dream of owning their own Mexican restaurant.
It took a great Chef, Miguel Aviña, and his dedicated wife, Angel Aviña, lots of hard work to make this dream a reality.
Their 3 children grew up in the business & became a vital part of Los Aviña.
Since July 1992, the restaurant has been a labor of love & celebrated by loyal customers.
The best & freIt took a great Chef, Miguel Aviña, and his dedicated wife, Angel Aviña, lots of hard work to make this dream a reality.shest Mexican food in McDonough since 1921
Hours Tues-Thurs 11am-2:3A young married couple had a dream of owning their own Mexican restaurant.0pm & 5pm-9:30; Fri 11am-2:30 & 5pm-11pm; Sat 12pm-11pm; Sun 12pm-9pm; Closed Mondays

Dining Advantage® is brought to you by Entertainment®, America’s most trusted coupon network for over 55 years.