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About SpeeDee Oil Change & Auto Service

1484 W.O. Ezell Boulevard
Spartanburg, SC 29301
Map Location

Offer Terms
Discount off regular price of selected services. Pre-tax amount. Not valid on the purchase of tires, batteries or state fees on inspections, where applicable. Most vehicles. Discount off regular price. Charge for additional parts/service if needed. See store for details. Not valid with other offers. Valid at participating locations. No cash value. Taxes and/or disposal fees extra, where permitted. Void where prohibited.

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Price: $5.00
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About SpeeDee Oil Change & Auto Service

1484 W.O. Ezell Boulevard
Spartanburg, SC 29301
Map Location

Offer Terms
Discount off regular price of selected services. Pre-tax amount. Not valid on the purchase of tires, batteries or state fees on inspections, where applicable. Most vehicles. Discount off regular price. Charge for additional parts/service if needed. See store for details. Not valid with other offers. Valid at participating locations. No cash value. Taxes and/or disposal fees extra, where permitted. Void where prohibited.

Dining Advantage® is brought to you by Entertainment®, America’s most trusted coupon network for over 55 years.