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About Supersonic Speedway Restaurant

RR 145
E. Durham, NY 12423
Map Location


A full service restaurant & fun park all at the same location
Great place to have a party for the kids
Batting cages, go karts, mini golf, shooting gallery, kiddie rides, ice cream
The Supersonic Speedway is a great place for the entire family to have a good time

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About Supersonic Speedway Restaurant

RR 145
E. Durham, NY 12423
Map Location


A full service restaurant & fun park all at the same location
Great place to have a party for the kids
Batting cages, go karts, mini golf, shooting gallery, kiddie rides, ice cream
The Supersonic Speedway is a great place for the entire family to have a good time

Dining Advantage® is brought to you by Entertainment®, America’s most trusted coupon network for over 55 years.